Inspo x nature: a music competition inspired by nature at Callicoma Hill:
**This competition has now completed - see the winner of the competition here!**
Can you write & record an original, short piece of music inspired by the natural environment at Callicoma Hill Eco-cabins?
Enter for the chance to win an artist residency, or time away with your friends & family at this stunning location.
This free competition for NSW residents requires recording a performance of your composition (or improvisation) in any genre of music. It also requires a short written explanation of the musical response to your inspiration, which may come from either your previous visit to Callicoma Hill, or by the photos & videos on our website www.calli.com.au, Facebook page, Instagram account or Youtube channel.
Suitable entries will be shared with our social media channels as the competition progresses for everyone to enjoy.
We are holding this competition during lockdown for NSW musicians & listeners to dream about nature while they are restricted from enjoying natural and wild places in person. We at Callicoma Hill are musicians ourselves, and until we can welcome back guests, this is our way of sharing the nature on our forested mountainside.
The categories and prizes are:
Open: the prize is up to 12 person nights accommodation at Callicoma Hill Eco-cabin (ie 1 person stays for 12 nights OR 2 people stay for 6 nights OR 6 people stay for 2 nights etc).
Under 18s: the entrant, and at least one performer, must be under 18 years at the closing date of the competition.
The prize is 2 nights accommodation for up to 5 people at Callicoma Hill Eco-cabin.
For both categories, the entrant and all performers must reside in NSW at the time of their entry.
Entry to the competition is free!
See the Information & Entry Requirements below and the detailed Terms & Conditions.
The application form is here.
Competition entries are due by 5pm, 31 October 2021.
Prize winners will be announced as soon as possible after 28 November 2021.
Information and Entry Requirements
This should be read in conjunction with the detailed Terms & Conditions
Entry to the competition is free!
Competition entries must:
1. Include an ‘entry recording’, being a performance of the entrant’s original musical composition or musical improvisation, composed or improvised after the launch of this competition (12 Sept 2021), inspired by one or more of the following:
a. The entrant’s previous visit to Callicoma Hill and/or
b. Up to 3 photo(s) and/or video(s) found on Callicoma Hill’s Facebook page, Instagram account, Youtube channel or website www.calli.com.au .
2. Include the Application Form and all the required information outlined in that form
3. Agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Competition.
4. Meet all the criteria in the sections following.
The entry recording must:
1. Consist of either a video or audio electronic file, but will only be judged on the audio component
2. Be a recorded length of between 2 and 5 minutes
3. Be performed on acoustic instruments or voice only
4. Not contain any electronically-generated instrumental or voice parts, although electronic instruments may be used in the performance (eg electronic keyboard or guitar)
5. Be uploaded to the digital platform of your choice (other than Facebook), be publicly visible and capable of being hyperlinked to other websites and social media channels
6. Not infringe any copyright or performance rights
7. Be recorded in compliance with applicable COVID public health restrictions at the time of recording
The entry recording may:
1. Be any genre of music
2. Be a simple ‘one take’ track of the performance, or may be multitracked by either the same or different performers (all of whom must reside in NSW – see below)
3. Contain recordings of the sounds of nature
Additional requirements and info
1. The musical score is not required as part of the entry (please do not send it to us).
2. For the ‘Under 18’ category, the Entrant and at least one performer must be under 18 years of age at the competition close date.
3. Only one entry per person will be accepted (see details in Terms & Conditions)
4. The entrant and all performers must reside in NSW at the date of their competition entry.
5. Competition entries will be accepted until 5pm 31st October 2021. Entries received after this time will not be accepted.
6. Callicoma Hill may choose to share competition entries on its website and social media channels, along with relevant photos or videos, both before and after the entry closing date, but is not bound to share any or all entries (see details in Terms & Conditions)
7. Entrants retain the copyright to their Entry
If you are in doubt, please see the details in the Terms and Conditions, or contact us to determine if you are eligible.
How will entries be judged?
The panel of judges represents diverse musical genres. They will have access to each Entry Recording, along with each Entrant’s nominated photos/videos of inspiration and their statement about their response to the inspiration(s).
The judges will take into account the following in their decision in assessing Entries:
1. The Entry Recording’s musical interpretation and response to the inspiration(s) given and described by the Entrant in their Application Form.
2. The audio of the Entry Recording only. The video (visual) component of any Entry Recording will not be taken into account.
3. The quality of the audio recording will not be taken into account, unless the quality is poor / unacceptable to enable the judges to make a decision
4. The Entry Recording’s musical interpretation and response to the inspiration (as described in No 1 above) will take precedence over the musicianship of the performer(s), but may be taken into account if it negatively affects the Entry.
5. In the Under 18 Category, the age of the Entrant.
The application form is here.
Competition entries are due by 5pm, 31 October 2021.
Prize winners will be announced as soon as possible after 28 November 2021.
Please contact us if you have any questions.