While summer is not yet over, the weather has cooled. Periodic storms and rain have relieved the intense heat of the recent months. There has been a significant flowering of eucalypt trees around Callicoma Hill Eco-cabins, in the Hunter Valley of NSW, and kangaroos and wallabies enjoy new green grass. The landscape is reviving and returning to what we usually expect in the mountains.
With the rain, recovery from the recent bushfire in Mount Royal National Park will occur quickly. Plants are already resprouting as the vegetation regenerates and animals slowly return. The bushfire in the National Park this summer was in an area that has not seen fire for over 50 years, and was consistent with natural fire patterns. We expect to spend time in the burnt areas to observe and document the natural regeneration. With most of the Mount Royal forest not affected by fire, visitors can still come and enjoy the fantastic views and green vistas from Pieries Peak, as well as observing the spectacular colours and textures of some burnt areas elsewhere in the National Park. Bushwalking in the area over the next 2 – 3 years will bring rare and interesting landscape insights.
With Callicoma Hill not directly impacted by bush fires, consider coming for a visit soon and learning more about our precious Australian landscape and its resilience in rebounding from dry conditions. Autumn and winter are the most popular seasons at Callicoma Hill, with cool nights and mild days. It is generally good walking weather, and you can safely have campfires under our dark, starlit sky.
Our wildlife has been affected by the dry conditions, but remains abundant and notably more relaxed. Unlike other parts of the country, the fire appears to have had a relatively minor impact on animal populations at Mount Royal, and represents a natural event to which species and ecosystems have adapted over millennia.
If you would like to come and see our Hunter Valley mountainside for yourself, please explore the information about our eco-cabin, bunkhouse and bush camping accommodation on this website.